Client information

The windows look great by the way, never knew I would be excited about clean windows before, but it really has made such a difference!
Many thanks



01392 984 985

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 Thank you for joining the DLcleanwindows rounds!


This page provides information to answer common questions and our terms of service.



If you have opted for a regular window clean, you will receive an email reminder a few days before each clean. We can also send a text reminder, please provide a telephone number to send this too.


Please make sure we have access, gates, garage doors unlocked or keys/codes etc provided and windows are closed. Hopefully the two reminders will prevent this, but if access is not possible, your charge will remain at your full normal charge. We are unable to fill the missed time slot and the missed windows will be dirtier on the next clean. If you'd like a return visit to clean the missed windows/doors, as this will be outside the normal round and incur additional travel costs, if we are able to do so, it will again be charged at your regular full charge to cover the extra travel costs to clean the missed windows or doors.



One off services are payment in advance via bank transfer, booking secured on receipt of payment, however all slots are available to others on a first come first served basis


Only accepting regular clients using our payment portal. This is to prevent the problems associated with setting up bank transfers (bank account name mismatch etc) and although many do pay on time, a few clients pay late which impacts our business. With everyone having busy lives it's easily forgotten! It also saves admin time and errors, matching customer payments to cleans. It's especially difficult and time consuming if using a bank account in a different name or not using a reference we can match such as the address or customer number.


The payment system by GoCardless is a one time set up and forget, you never have to worry about matching the account or logging on to your internet banking again!
A direct debit, although it isn't automatic. Linked with our scheduling software, only once the job status has been changed to 'done', can the payment be processed. If you opt for a 2 monthly clean, it is only processed when the clean is completed every 2 months.


A very safe system, fully regulated and covered by the direct debit guarantee, you get an email informing you of the transaction, can cancel at any time and I've been told even have the payment refunded after it has gone through. Something you can't do with a bank transfer! (Although I've never had anyone do that so no idea how it works!)

If we don't carry out the clean you don't get charged, for example if the van breaks down and we don't manage to get to you.

We no longer provide invoices (can do on request) for those using the payment system, which saves wasting paper, ink and envelopes. Trying to be a bit more environmentally conscious and save waste! Most invoices and envelopes end up in the bin after all!


Here's the link to set up or use the form below:


Or start entering your address in to the box below - 



Contact to be made on the day or next day of the clean to raise any issues. After this period it is assumed the service provided have been accepted. Payment to be made within 14 days from date carried out.


We reserve the right to claim interest, compensation and reasonable costs under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts

(Interest) Act 1998 and it is agreed that the term implied by that Act shall apply after any judgment as well as before. Any

reference to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 is also a reference to any amendment, modification

or re-enactment of it. If for any reason the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 does not apply interest

shall be payable on overdue amounts at 8% over the Bank of England Base Rate from time to time.


Without prejudice to our right to claim costs under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, if for any reason any payment is not made when due we reserve the right to be paid on an indemnity basis any costs we incur in recovering any money due under this contract (and the costs of recovering such costs) including our administrative costs and any costs incurred with lawyers or debt collection agencies. Our administrative costs may include the cost of employing the staff concerned and the overheads attributable to them for the time spent. In calculating our administrative costs credit will be given for any compensation due under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.



Our working hours are Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm. We are unable to provide an expected time of arrival, the service will be carried out during this time, last cleans usually around 4pm.


Price Increases


Our current policy is a 5% increase to all charges annually in October.


All quotations are valid for a limited time and prices are subject to change.


Should a regular service price change other than the annual price increase, this will be communicated via the email reminders in advance (usually aim to provide at least one months notice). You are welcome to consider and cancel the service. Should notice of cancellation not be received by email, it is assumed your acceptance of the new charges which will be applied as communicated.



We operate throughout the year, in all weathers. We will continue during wet weather, rain has limited detriment to a window clean (see 'window cleaning' below). On rare occasions during extreme weather events, we may be forced to reschedule, however we do not routinely cancel for wet weather days and clients cancelling cleans due to the weather may not be rescheduled and may be removed from our regular rounds.


Window cleaning

Our 'go-to' method is to use mop and squeegee for internal window cleaning and pure water through water fed poles for exterior window cleaning.


Using water fed poles, we will scrub the glass and frames using a specifically designed window cleaning, soft bristled brush, lifting the dirt, to then be rinsed away with the flow of pure water. Pure water does not require drying. A light use of detergent may be used to assist with heavy deposits such as green algae.


Using traditional methods - a mop with a light detergent is used to scrub the glass, to lift dirt from the surface. A rubber blade is then used to remove the water.


There may be hard water staining, scratches or marks that may be hidden by a film of general dust and dirt on initial inspection and quotation.

A first clean and further routine maintenance cleaning, does not include the removal of stubborn marks, hard water staining, or repair of scratches, damage etc. It only includes what is possible using standard window cleaning equipment, the process of scrubbing with a window cleaning brush, mop or cloths and if necessary, a light detergent. 

The first clean especially may reveal hard water staining, marks, scratches and damage or more and we can then advise further.

Routine window cleaning once a month or every other month, will usually prevent the build up of hard water staining.


External window cleaning includes the glass, upvc frames and sills.




Water's natural state is not pure. Therefore pure water acts like a magnet actively absorbing contaminants such as dirt, minerals and chemicals. We expect spotting may occur on your first couple of cleans, especially if transitioning from traditional window cleaning methods to pure water and water fed pole methods.


There are a couple of reasons for this :


1-Upvc air vents in particular tend to get very dirty and whereas some window cleaners avoid these, we would rather clean them. This usually causes water drip marks down the middle of the glass. Very easy to splash or get water up into the air vent when giving them a good scrub. It then drips for ages!


2-Chemicals such as glass cleaners residue is left behind after cleaning and can also be absorbed by the rubber seals around the glass. Pure water will draw these out during the drying process. A natural process that also occurs with rain water. There is no way to speed this up this process. Depending on how often, how much and what has been used will determine how long this will take. Windolene in particular for some reason seems to take awhile to clear..?


This usually causes spotting along the edge of the glass.


Poor technique usually results in spotting all over the glass, often being able to see if the operator is left or right handed and the rinse pattern used!


Water purity is measured by measuring the tds (total dissolved solids) pure water measures 0 ppm (parts per million). By taking reading of rainwater, I have found rainwater to measure around 30ppm (taken from my shed, A cleaner/better rainwater harvesting method would result in a lower tds!). Our home tap water to vary around 100-150 ppm depending on the time of year. Rain water being reasonably low tds, it is the dirt already on the windows or above that is dislodge during rainfall, or things such as the chemical residue from cleaning and the natural absorption process mentioned above, that will appear as spotting on the glass. That's why using pure water to clean windows, removing all the dirt and chemical residues, leaves a longer lasting finish than traditional mop and squeegee!


You'll notice another example of tds when cleaning your car. Using tap water will leave 'spots', using a drying towel can help with these. Whereas using collected rainwater leaves less if any 'spots'.  


When using traditional methods (a mop and squeegee) a detergent such as soap is used not only to clean but also to lubricate and help the squeegee blade to glide over the glass. The detergent leaves a film for dust and dirt to stick to and is absorbed by the rubber seals (causing the spotting when it rains described above). Although mop and squeegee give an immediate shine, we find it is short lived and soon looking grubby again, why we prefer to use water fed poles.

It is also far safer to be able to clean the windows from the ground, than working from a ladder! 






Please make sure to give the insides a wipe over first! In autumn especially when the sun is lower. It will look streaky and can usually see when a cloth has been used to wipe over the glass.


We are always very happy to return and re-clean as soon as possible, usually much less but we aim to do so within 14 days.

Just get in touch and let us know on the day or the next day of your clean. Letting us know quickly helps us to assess the problem. We try our best but we do sometimes get things wrong. It happens! It's physical work after all and we may have had a long day! 


First cleans especially we focus on giving the frames a really good scrub. This can cause issues particular around air vents as there's usually a lot of dirt above them.


It could also be something simple such as cleaning the windows in a different order, or there could be another problem such as our equipment, filters, pumps, brushes etc! We would rather rectify the problem so please do let us know.


If no contact is made on the day or very next day, it is assumed the service has been carried out satisfactory. 


Job Report


On completion of a service, a job report form will be completed involving the taking of before and after photographs of all sides of the property and any other relevant information such as notes regarding gates being locked. 


The data is inputted by the operative, not stored on personal devices and only accessible to administrators, which will normally be for the purpose of resolution in the event of client complaints or any other issues arising. 


A copy of this report is available upon request via email. Reports may no longer be available should a requests be made over 30 days after date of data capture.



Your service is as outlined in your quotation, if electing for a regular service, it is a continuous contract until modified or cancelled.

Cancel at any time preferably by email, minimum of 2 days prior to your scheduled service.

If you would like to cancel please let me know via email - 



We use a 5 stage filtration process to filter tap water. The run-off from cleaning the windows is fine for plants. Pure water although very good for hydration purposes, as plants do not need to filter out the impurities, it actually doesn't offer much nutritional value as it lacks the natural minerals and elements needed.


Gutter clearing/clearance/emptying.

Our method is to use a gutter vacuum system, so we can suck out debris safely from the ground. A powerful vacuum that can lift some surprisingly large bulky growths!
We will on occasion still have to use a ladder to reach and clear downpipes and elbows or severely blocked gutters. We can only do so up to 5m, around the height of the guttering of a fairly typical house, due to safety and insurance reasons. Any higher will usually require alternative access equipment such as a cherry picker, scaffolding or tower. Luckily the gutter vacuum is usually strong enough to clear most blockages! 


Electricity will be required to enable use of our gutter vacuum system. Does not include wiping/cleaning of the inside. This is unnecessary and would only become dirty as soon as it rains.  If your guttering is attached to your neighbours, it would be advisable for their side/sections to also be cleared. Otherwise yours will soon get clogged up again as it will become the easier direction for water and debris to flow. 


Gutter guards or hedgehogs added to their guttering, often cause more issues than they solve! Slowing the flow of water which helps debris to build in the gutters. Also providing something for roots to wrap around and plants to grow. We'd recommend not to use these devices and if blockages are a problem, to plan a routine maintenance clear at a suitable schedule. Usually once a year but this will all depend on the individual aspect of the property, moss on the roof, nearby trees etc.


The current build up of moss (etc) may be sealing any gaps/holes/damage to the guttering that is already present. Clearing the gutters may remove this seal, therefore making the guttering leak and the damaged part to become apparent. We will not be held accountable for damage already present, nor do we provide a repair service and our quote does not include any repairs needed. 


Gutter, fascia, soffit and downpipes cleaned (improved appearance) 

The outside cleaned using water fed pole equipment. Marks, stains, striping and damage may not be visible due to the film of dust and dirt and may not be possible to be removed/cleaned. 


Solar panels

Cleaned as best possible with water fed pole equipment. It is a balance between scrubbing hard enough to remove the dirt, bird mess and lichen, but not too hard that damage is caused to the panels. If panels have not been cleaned for a long time, marks, staining, lichen etc may remain. Additional access equipment such as scaffolding or a scaffold tower may assist to achieve a better result, however this will incur additional costs. Please inform if you'd like the cleaning conducted from scaffolding/tower, otherwise quotation will be based on conducting the clean from the ground using water fed pole equipment as best possible.


Acts outside of our control

We are unable to prevent the item becoming dirty again or guttering to clog. For example (but not limited to), the random act of bird droppings hitting a window, or spiders re-building their webs (some can within the hour!). We are able to clean the dirt present at the time, not prevent new dirt from occurring.


Photographs and social media



Photographs will be captured of your property for the purpose of the 'end of job' report as stated above and may also be captured for the purpose of use on our website and social media channels. 


Photos of residential properties for social media purpose, will usually consist of close up photos, for example of a window frame or sill to demonstrate before and after cleaning results. These will usually not be able to be identifiable, by those where the property is not already known to the individual or able to be seen from a publicly accessible area, for example from the roadside. Any pictures showing a full image, for example a residential property, will usually only be of the front and efforts will be made to blur or not include any features whereby the property can be identified (such as house number or vehicle number plates). 


Your permission to use these images is presumed authorised unless prior notice has been given.


Terms and Conditions


By engaging DLCleanWindows for our window cleaning or related services, you (the client) agree to the following terms and conditions:


1. Access to Property:

The client agrees to provide safe and unrestricted access to the property where the services will be performed. This includes ensuring that gates, fences, doors, and any other necessary entry points are unlocked and accessible to our team at the scheduled time of service. If access is not provided, causing our team to be unable to perform the services, full charge will be payable.


2. Clearing of Obstructions:

It is the client's responsibility to remove or arrange for the removal of any obstructions that may hinder the performance of our services. This includes but is not limited to furniture, decorations, plants, or any other items obstructing access to windows or solar panels. Should our team arrive and encounter obstructions that prevent them from completing the service, full charge will be payable.


3. DL Clean Windows is responsible for carrying out the services agree upon. Our services do not extend to the cleaning of curtains, blinds, stone, or any other surrounding elements unless explicitly stated in the agreed-upon service package. Any additional services required beyond the scope of our standard offerings may incur an additional fee.


4. Health and Safety:

The client acknowledges that DL Clean Windows will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our team members while performing services on the property. However, it is the client's responsibility to ensure the safety of any children, pets or animals present. All dog mess or other animal waste must be cleared from the areas where our team will be working prior to the scheduled service.


5. Payment Terms:

Payment for services rendered is due in advance for one off services, using our payment portal GoCardless or upon completion, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. DL Clean Windows accepts various payment methods, including cash, cheques, or electronic transfers. In the event of non-payment or late payment, DLCleanWindows reserves the right to charge interest or pursue legal action to recover the outstanding amount.


6. Cancellation and Rescheduling:

If the client needs to cancel or reschedule a service appointment, we require a minimum of 24 hours, working days notice. Failure to provide adequate notice may result in a cancellation fee being applied.


7. Satisfaction Guarantee:

DL Clean Windows strives to provide the highest level of service and customer satisfaction. If the client is not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, they must notify us within 48 hours of the service completion. We will make every reasonable effort to rectify the issue to the client's satisfaction.


8. Liability:

While DL Clean Windows takes every precaution to ensure the safety of the property and its occupants during service provision, we cannot be held liable for any damage or injury that may occur as a result of factors beyond our control, such as pre-existing damage, structural weaknesses, or unforeseen hazards.


By engaging DL Clean Windows for our services, the client acknowledges and agrees to these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.


Please read these terms and conditions carefully and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.